Alberta’s pandemic response

Alberta's pandemic response- 2

Alberta’s COVID-19 review task force has released a comprehensive report examining the province’s pandemic response. The report questions the safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, mask mandates, and the province’s emergency response approach overall. Titled “Alberta’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response,” it was mandated by Premier Danielle Smith in 2022 and it is the only review of its kind in Canada. The task force identified several critical issues in Alberta’s pandemic management and propose changes to address Alberta’s shortcomings in pandemic response and provide a framework for managing future health emergencies while protecting individual rights and promoting transparency in healthcare decision-making.

Some of the important conclusions in the report are the “critical failure” in the COVID-19 messaging within the healthcare system.

The mask mandates recommended were in reality ineffective, did not prevent any viral transmission and were harmful. “It is inaccurate to suggest that masking is entirely safe and provides effective protection against SARS-CoV-2 infection,” the report says. “The efficacy of masking to prevent viral transmission remains a contested area of study, however an overwhelming amount of research has determined that masking outside of healthcare settings does not provide statistically significant protection against transmission.”

The lockdown policies had significant societal and economic costs without substantially reducing transmission.

The task force found no evidence that vaccines were superior to natural immunity. The safety and effectiviness of COVID-19 vaccines, particularily for low-risk groups, are questioned and the authors demand a halt of COVID-19 vaccine use unless the risks of the injections are fully disclosed, as well as an ending of vaccine use in healthy children and teenagers. The report criticizes regulatory colleges for not conducting independent reviews of studies and data, points to the inconsistencies in the use of evidence for vaccines compared to treatments like ivermectin and demands further research into vaccine effectiviness and proper support for vaccine-injured individuals.

Based on their findings, the task force made several recommendations. This includes to provide an opt-out mechanism from federal public health policies to protect Albertans’ rights to care and informed consent. The report suggests to amend the Health Professions Act (“HPA”) to prevent regulatory bodies from using “professionalism” or “codes of conduct” or any other form of prosecution or disciplinary actions as a way to obstruct healthcare workers or pharmacists for using, promoting, or publicly discussing the benefits of approved medications for off-label treatment of illnesses, to better safeguard physicians’ rights to prescribe and pharmacists’ abilities to dispense drugs that they, in their professional judgement, deem are in a patient’s best interest, including off-label drugs and natural health products.
The report also recommends that even during a public health emergency rigorous standards of safety must be upheld for all treatments while still allowing for a greater flexibility for therapies with established safety records.

A whistleblower legislation needs to be enacted in order to protect a physician’s right to publicly voice concerns regarding potentially harmful or ill-conceived policies enacted by public health regulatory bodies or medical facility management organizations and to amend current law or prepare new legislation that makes the public discussion of alternative medical treatments a matter protected under the Alberta Human Rights Act.

The task force also demands media is required to cite levels of supporting evidence and publicly disclose any political or financial competing interests that may influence their reporting on health-related matters, including publicly disclosing the dollar value and conditions of their public health and pharmaceutical contracts.

Download Alberta’s COVID-19 Review Task Force’s Report

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