Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace and former president of Greenpeace Canada, called the left-wing narrative of climate change a “hoax” and a “completely fabricated issue” in an interview with Rebecca Mansour and Dylan Gwinn, hosts of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight, on Wednesday.
Source: Legi-Team | 31 Aug. 2023
According to Moore, today’s “environmental movement” is committed to an anti-human ideology. He described his resignation from Greenpeace in 1986 after the organisation switched from a “humanitarian” to an anti-human orientation.
“In 1986, I could no longer live with this development,” Moore recalled. “So I left Greenpeace because we started with a strong humanitarian focus to save humanity and the environment from total nuclear war. That’s what the ‘green’ and ‘peace’ in Greenpeace is all about: the environment and people living in peace.”
Listen to the interview (English):
Instead of advocating a holistic harmony between humans and the environment, today’s environmental movement portrays humans as the “enemy of the earth,” Moore explained:
By the end of the Save the Whales campaign and all the other campaigns, the rest of the environmental movement and Greenpeace, my fellow board members, were basically treating humans as enemies of the earth. Over the years, humans were no longer part of nature and part of what we were fighting for, but the enemy of what we were fighting for. I don’t see it that way, because I am an ecologist and I know that we have all evolved together from life on this earth. We are all part of the same ecosystem and the same planet, and we shouldn’t look at it as if we are separate from nature. We should look at it as if we are part of nature, and of course we are.
Moore described Greenpeace’s shift to the left and its use of deception for self-serving financial gain:
Over time, I watched Greenpeace evolve and basically get co-opted by the far left. When we started, we were pretty centrist. We based our positions on science and logic, as I saw it, and I’ve been a scientist all my life; that’s my orientation – not to make up stories and not to exaggerate unnecessarily. And I found that Greenpeace just drifted into this sensationalism and misinformation and using fear to get people to send them money – fear that the world is going to end, which is what we’re hearing over and over again now with this latest statement from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that we have 12 years until the end of the world. The fact is that people have been saying that since the beginning of time, and there never has been and there never will be, but they get away with it.
Greenpeace was corrupted after it outstripped its usefulness, Moore explained:
Throughout history, you see organisations that start out with a noble cause – and this is really often the case – and end up developing into a business where fundraising becomes the most important goal because you have to provide 200 people with a salary.
When we started, we were volunteers. We didn’t have a salary. But over time that happened, people have to live, and people send money for the cause you’re working for, and you become a business. But then comes the really unpleasant part. It becomes a scam, and that’s what happened with Greenpeace, and it happened a long time ago.
Moore added: “The Al Gores are basically snake oil salesmen, charlatans. They’re dealing in this complete hoax of a fear [of climate], and as you say, they’re scaring young people into thinking they’re going to die.”
“The environmental movement as it existed in the sixties and seventies is not really necessary in North America or Europe,” Moore explained. “It has done its job, and yet it sustains itself on the basis of this so-called climate crisis or catastrophe that doesn’t really exist.”
Moore contrasted the narrative of anthropogenic global warming with the broader story of climate change on Earth:
[They] invent ever more far-fetched problems that ultimately don’t really exist. The problem of climate change is a completely invented problem. Of course the climate has changed since the earth has existed; and of course it is still changing now. But not much has really changed. People don’t even realise that 20,000 years ago there was a mile of ice over New York City and three miles of ice over Montreal. That change from then to now is significant, but the little bit of temperature change that has taken place on planet Earth in the last few hundred years is nothing compared to the changes that have taken place in the past over time. This is completely exaggerated and used to scare people.
Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere from which it originated, Moore explained:
The carbon dioxide we put into the atmosphere fertilises all plant life on earth, including all forests and all food plants on earth, and we have seen an average increase in plant growth of about 30 per cent over the last 50 years because of the CO2 we put into the atmosphere. CO2 is the main food for life, and together with water, H2O and CO2, plants make sugar, mainly glucose, a carbohydrate that is the basis for all the energy of life, starting with photosynthesis.
If only people understood this basic fact, and the fact that CO2 levels are now lower than they have ever been in the history of the earth – because life has taken it out and deposited it in sediments, known as fossil fuels, and in carbonaceous rocks such as limestone, marble and chalk, all of which contain carbon that was previously in the atmosphere or dissolved in the ocean, where it was taken up by living things to form themselves. Over time, when these creatures died, they sank to the bottom of the sea or were buried in sediments on land to form fossil fuels, removing this carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and oceans. So after 4 billion years, we start burning some of the fossil fuels and eventually put some of the carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere where it originally came from.
“Carbon dioxide is the most important fertiliser and building block of life,” says Moore.
The climate change narrative is “not just fake news, it’s a scientific hoax,” Moore said. “That’s a fact, and I will put my reputation – 45 years as a scientist studying these issues – on the line. I’m not being paid by the government to make up stories so politicians can get voters to vote for them on the climate issue.”
In an interview with Breitbart News Tonight a fortnight ago, Moore explained the corrupt business model – based on government funding – on which the “climate change” narrative and industry is based.