Detention of Dr. Reiner Füllmich- A letter to UN Special Rapporteur

Detention of Dr. Reiner Füllmich- A letter to UN Special Rapporteur- 2

Date: December 16th, 2024
To: Dr. A.J. Edwards,
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment

Cc: The Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

Written by Meike Terhorst, Attorney at law, The Netherlands and Djamila le Pair, journalist, The Netherlands

Re: Detention of Dr. Reiner Füllmich

Your excelency, Dear Mrs. Edwards,
We, the undersigned, kindly request that you investigate the conditions of detention of the renowned German lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich. More specificaly, we ask you to investigate his detention, his continued detention and the conditions of his detention.
We have strong reason to believe that his detention, his continued detention and the conditions of his detention qualify as physical and/or psychological torture and/or arbitrary detention as described in Article 5, and Articles 9- 12, Article 91 and Article 30 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 7, Articles 9- 91 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, Article 2 § 2 and the other provisions of the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and the Nelson Mandela Rules for Prisoners.
In the aforementioned articles, torture of any kind is absolutely prohibited and banned. Article 1 of the Nelson Mandela Rules states:

“All prisoners shall be treated with the respect due to their inherent dignity and value as human beings. No prisoner shall be subjected to, and all prisoners shall be protected from, torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, for which no circumstances whatsoever may be invoked as a justification. The safety and security of prisoners, staff, service providers and visitors shall be ensured at all times”.

After being kidnapped from Mexico, Reiner Füllmich was imprisoned at JVA Rosdorf, the State prison of Rosdorf, on 13 October 2023. He is still there today – over 12 months later – and continues to be held on remand under harsh and inhuman conditions. Even worse, he has been kept in solitary confinement since 10 July 2024.
The reason given for Reiner Füllmich’s incarceration is that he may flee the country, while being prosecuted for alleged embezzlement of donations made to Corona Ausschuss, the information platform that he co-founded in July 2020. Through this information platform, Reiner Füllmich conducted interviews with many scientists and other experts who questioned the Covid-19 narrative and measures. As time went on, more and more topics were covered and official narratives were questioned. During the 2022 elections in Germany, Reiner Füllmich became the leading election candidate for the newly established political party Die Basis.
In light of this context, we firmly believe that Dr. Reiner Füllmich is being prosecuted for the purpose of silencing him and preventing him from ever working as a lawyer and/or (aspiring) politician again.
Reiner Füllmich is an internationally acclaimed lawyer, licenced in both Germany and California, and he is known for high-profile cases such as those against Deutsche Bank (fraud) and Volkswagen (diesel scandal).
Pursuant to the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers (1990), article 16 clearly states:

“Governments shall ensure that lawyers (a) are able to perform all of their professional functions without intimidation, hindrance, harassment or improper interference; (b) are able to travel and to consult with their clients freely both within their country and abroad;
and (c) shall not suffer, or be threatened with, prosecution or administrative, economic or
other sanctions for any action taken in accordance with recognized professional duties, standards and ethics.”

1. A criminal “show trial”?

When mounting evidence, brought forward by the defence team and from witness statements, made it increasingly clear that the allegation of embezzlement was false, the Higher Regional Court of Braunschweig decided on 5th November 2024 to allow 16 additional charges. These charges had previously been dismissed three times: in June 2022 by the Chief Prosecutor of Göttingen and a public prosecutor in Berlin, and more recently, in January 2024, by the court of Göttingen. Reinstating these additional allegations appears to be an attempt to prevent Reiner Füllmich from being released, when the first trial ends.
Given the clear lack of evidence to support the indictment that has led to Reiner Füllmich’s imprisonment for more than a year, the trial seems unfair, the accusations false, and the punishment requested by the Public Prosecutor disproportionate. Furthermore, the court does not appear to be impartial.
To explain why we are seeking your help with this matter, we outline our concerns below and provide a brief overview of what has transpired, to the best of our knowledge and belief:

2. Detained and Extradited

When, on 10 October 2023, Reiner Füllmich and his wife went to Tijuana airport, to meet, as they believed, personnel of the German Consulate in Mexico, Reiner Füllmich was detained, separated from his wife and taken to Mexico City. There, Reiner Füllmich was made to sign deportation documents, which were written only in Spanish and no interpreter was present to allow him to understand what he was signing. None of the grounds for deportation applied to his situation. Two Mexican guards transported Reiner Füllmich from Mexico City to New Mexico in the United States, where they boarded a Lufthansa plane, which took them to Frankfurt Germany. It was later learned that the Federal Republic of Germany had paid for all flights and accommodation, indicating that this was not a deportation, but an unlawful extradition. Upon arrival in Frankfurt, Reiner Füllmich was formally arrested. He was transported to Rosdorf prison on 13 October 2023, where he remains today, more than a year later.

3. Censorship

Reiner Füllmich’s trial began on 3 January 2024, in the city of Göttingen. To date, approximately 40 hearings have taken place. Repeatedly, the defence’s official requests to hear witnesses have been largely refused. The main witness, Marcel Templin, has never been heard. Marcel Templin allegedly took the proceeds from the sale of Reiner Füllmich’s residence, thereby making it impossible for Füllmich to pay back the loan. Since July 2024, the presiding judge, Carsten Schindler, has required that all input from the defence team, such as requests for admission of evidence, be submitted in writing rather than presented orally. As a result of this decision journalists and the public no longer know what is being ‘discussed’.

4. Shackled

Up to now, when Reiner Füllmich has been transported to and from the courthouse, he has been accompanied by heavily armed prison guards and police. His hands and feet have been shackled and chained together. Additionally, before every journey, the guards were instructed to advise Reiner Füllmich to wear a bullet proof vest. Because he refused to do so, he needed to sign a waiver and was told each time that he risks being hit by a stray bullet. The guards have told Reiner Füllmich that they have never seen such measures employed before, for a non-violent prisoner like himself. We have received information that, starting in 2025, the prison will refrain from shackling his feet.

5. Nearly Six Months in Solitary Confinement

Reiner Füllmich has been placed in solitary confinement twice. The first time was during the weekend of his birthday in May 2024, when he was not allowed to receive any visitors or make any telephone calls. The second time was on 10 July 2024. So, for nearly six months, since 10 July 2024, Füllmich has been in solitary confinement.
Reiner Füllmich’s isolation is based on the perception that he is ‘incendiary’ because he had spoken to many of his prison mates about the corona crisis and other topics he had covered with Corona Ausschuss. He also advised them on their legal cases and arranged lawyers for
It is our understanding that a prisoner kept in isolation in Germany should be medically and psychologically checked after a period of three months to assess his state of health, both physical and mental. Despite repeated requests from his lawyers to have this assessment conducted, this assessment has not yet taken place. Reiner Füllmich has meanwhile seen a prison doctor whom he trusts.

The United Nations publication of 28 February 2020 states that solitary confinement for over 15 days constitutes torture. We refer to this UN publication: Connecticut prison warning: Prolonged solitary confinement may ‘amount to torture’, UN expert warns | UN News. In the case of Reiner Fuellmich, he has been held in solitary confinement for nearly six months.
At the end of November, Reiner Füllmich was given permission to begin doing daily sports, albeit on his own. In the first week of December, he was allowed to talk to prison mates again.
These “generosities” must also be seen in the context of the Higher Regional Court launching a second trial, ensuring Reiner Füllmich will remain in custody for, presumably, at least another year.

6. Consequences for Befriended Prisoners

Up until recently, if, at any time, any of the other prisoners would greet or even nod at Reiner Füllmich, both they and Reiner Füllmich were punished. So far, two prisoners have been physically assaulted and moved to another prison. One of them was physically assaulted by prison staff. Reiner Fuellmich believes their treatment was the result of him befriending them and exchanging information, especially about their court cases.

7. Detention Conditions Prohibited Attendance Mother’s Memorial Service

When the health of Reiner Füllmich’s mother was deteriorating during the summer of 2024, he asked the prison authorities on what conditions he would be allowed to visit her for a last goodbye. He was told he could only visit her shackled, chained and accompanied by heavily armed guards. Not wanting to traumatise his dying mother, Reiner Fuellmich decided against saying goodbye. On the 29th of November, the family held a ceremony to disperse his mother’s ashes over a lake. The prison authorities prohibited Reiner Füllmich from attending the ceremony on the grounds that “his supporters might try to help him escape by land, air or water.” His supporters are peace-loving citizens and no incidents of violence or disturbance have ever occurred.

8. Latest Developments

On Sunday 8 December 2024, Bittel TV revealed that Reiner Füllmich intends to run as an independent candidate in the upcoming German elections, in Wuppertal. The next day, German media reported that Füllmich’s leading lawyer, Katja Wörmer, had to pay a fine of €4,400, for having recorded 10 public statements of Reiner Füllmich and for having them published. These statements have been aired at separate times, during the last year. Katja Wörmer, at no time, was told to stop these recordings. In fact, Katja Wörmer was under the impression that she had been given permission by the court in December 2023 to publish these recordings. The fine is another indication, that the prosecution of Reiner Füllmich could be merely political and that the German authorities want to silence him and prevent him becoming politically active. The last seven hearings of 2024 (from 25 November up to today) were cancelled due to illnesses of judges.

9. Sources of Information

The information in this letter is based on the reports provided by Djamila el Pair, a journalist based in The Netherlands, who has been covering Reiner Fuelmichs’ court cases ( and on Reiner Füllmich’s own audio statements of November 4, 2024 ( and November 30 November 2024 (

Reiner Fuellmich’s address is:
JVA Rosdorf
Attn. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf

The Free Reiner Füllmich website lists 46,000 signatures of people from al over the world, requesting the immediate release of Reiner Füllmich.


We kindly ask that you investigate whether Reiner Fuellmich’s imprisonment at JVA Rosdorf, his treatment during court hearings (and transport ot and from the court), and/or his solitary confinement, constitute torture or otherwise degrading and/or cruel or unjust punishment and/or coercion and/or arbitrary detention. If they, or any one of them do, we ask you to request Reiner Fuellmich’s immediate release.
More specifically we request that you:

  • intervene on behalf of Reiner Füllmich in this unlawful and political prosecution, with the Federal Republic of Germany;
  • visit Reiner Füllmich in the prison in Rosdorf
  • ensure that Reiner Füllmich is examined by an independent doctor and an independent psychiatrist to determine the status of his health and wellbeing;
  • examine whether the Federal Republic of Germany needs ot be held accountable for wrongful extradition and detention;
  • produce a report of your findings.

We thank you in advance for your much valued actions and look forward to your report on this disturbing situation.

With our highest respect,

Detention of Dr. Reiner Füllmich- A letter to UN Special Rapporteur- 3

Meike Terhorst, Attorney at Law, The Netherlands

Djamila el Pair, journalist, The Netherlands

Lucinda van Buuren, World Council ofr Health and registered nurse, Australia
Debora Blake, consultant, France
Andrew Bridgen B. Sc., former member of Parliament, United Kingdom
Anders Brunstad, scientist, Norway
Michael Baum, Atorney, United States of America
Wai Ching, World Council of Health, Asia
Jason Christof, Subject Matter Expert, Independent Behaviour Modification & Mind Control Researcher, World Council for Health Canada
Celia Farber, journalist, Spain
Maarten Fornerod, scientist, The Netherlands
Agita Galina, Attorney Mg. iur, Member of the Board of the “Freedom Memorandum,” Latvia
Antonietta Gati, International Fellow of the Societies for Biomaterials and Engineering,Italy
Winston Gormandy, retired Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, Canada

Sue Grey, LLB(Hons), BSc(Biochemistry &Microbiology), RSHDIPPHI, Barister and Solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand, New Zealand
Izumi Kamijo, Japan
Anne Merel Kloosterman, vaccine injured representative of, The Netherlands
Peter Koenig, former Senior Economist at World Bank
Annemarie Koopman, Attorney at Law, The Netherlands
Philipp Kruse, Attorney at law, LLM., Switzerland
Ted Kuntz, World Council for Health Canada, & President Vaccine Choice Canada
Reggie Littlejohn, Attorney Reggie Littlejohn, President, Anti-Globalist International, United States of America
Shabnam Palesa Mohamed, World Council for Health, Lawyer and activist, South Africa
Professor Fred Nazar, Bioethics, Italy and Argentina
Ivana Pavic, Pathologist, Croatia
Dr. iur. Beate Pfeil, Independent Researcher, former Council of Europe Expert, Germany
Janis Plavins, Lawyer, MBA, Latvia
Christof Plothe D.O., World Council for Health, Germany
An Rosen, scientist, United States of America
Herve Seligmann, independent researcher, Luxembourg
Vera Sharav, founder of AHRP, United States of America
John Stone, British and European Editor, Age of Autism, United Kingdom
Justine Tanguay, Attorney licensed to practice in both the State of Maine and State of North Carolina, Children’s Health Defense, United States of America
Dr. Mark Trozzi, World Council for Health Canada, & Author
Dr. Vaidotas Vaičaitis, Associate Professor at Vilnius University Faculty of Law, Vilnius, Lithuania
Nikos Vakolidis, Orthodontist, activist & coordinator of World Freedom Aliance Grek Group, Greece
Hagar Vonk, activist, The Netherlands
Caroline Vonnhof, Legal advisor, The Netherlands

1 thought on “Detention of Dr. Reiner Füllmich- A letter to UN Special Rapporteur”

  1. It is nothing less than horrific torture from the evil cabal that Dr Reiner fullmich has put on display to the world to help humanity & this is how the political elite treat heroes there is no justice its so sad that this great man has been treated like some kind of criminal which he is not
    I pray he’ll be safe & the world that he’s helped to wake up to what’s really happening keep fighting for his immediate release to his wife & family
    Why aren’t people like Robert F Kennedy junior not screaming from the rooftops about this unjustified torture and violence to such a graceful soul
    It just leaves your mind angry & frustrated

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