Child sex trafficking, abuse and murder.
This isn’t a new interview given by Andrew Bridgen but the topic is once again very topical.
This is an area I decided very early on that I wasn’t going to investigate personally.
Am I a coward? Possibly. I’m a father and a grandfather & I just cannot bear to do the necessary research. Also, though not in this way, I had a difficult childhood in that those who have seen everything through social work characterised my experiences as “extreme neglect”. It’s surprisingly common. As an adult, my foster mother told me she knew in a heartbeat what she was dealing with.
I find anything to do with abuse of children very difficult to deal with (as probably do we all).
I also decided that I wasn’t going to feature my thoughts on the whole ghastly situation.
I reasoned that I am not a credible person to try to raise awareness because of complete lack of involvement with the fields involved. Furthermore, anything I chose to say would perforce be so controversial that it would very likely have diminished my impact on providing evidence from areas I’d lived & breathed in for decades.
Equally, I / we surely cannot just do nothing, say nothing, ask no questions, just keep looking at our shoes?
I’ve always felt a bit wobbly about Andrew Bridgen. Not in that way, for the avoidance of doubt. There were occasions where, despite knowing me and about me, I was notably absent from some events he organised, and some things he said struck discords in my mind.
That said, I think he’s genuinely as horrified as we all are. Whether he’s telling us a modified reality, or how much he really knows, I cannot say.
The key difference is, I deduced from brief conversations with Andrew, that he’s had many years to acclimatise to the ghastly likelihood of this appalling crime being “an everyday normality, in the seats of power, everywhere”. I can’t imagine the horror of this realisation ever fades, though if my experiences with realising what the jabs were for is anything to go by, over time, you develop a resolute opposition to it, and will never let it slide.
However, also if my reaction to it is faintly similar to other people’s reactions, I see why nothing is ever done about it. Because it hasn’t been, has it? The odd individual or group get jailed, but despite evidence to the contrary, we’re given the understanding that these are rare and unconnected events.
Pedophilia has been circling the drain as an issue for as long as I can remember. It comes up periodically and it’s been reported, if not legally proven, in pretty much every institution, everywhere you look. It never quite goes away.
I remember in 2020, thinking that nobody was going to start down the road of deceiving the whole of humanity & shuttering half the economy of at least The West without the authorisation of the most powerful people & institutions in the world. The consequences were momentous, among the most important turning points in human history, every bit at least the equal of so-called world wars. Consider the extent of necessary planning in order to be completely sure it would be “successful” (as the perpetrators would see it). Not everyone involved in assisting those doing the planning would necessarily have to be fully briefed on the wider agenda. But I have no doubt that the more senior was an individual the more likely they were to know more, about a lot of things.
Here’s the crucial thing, akin to “The dog that didn’t bark in the night”. It seems to me extremely likely that the complete absence of even a single individual, involved in the planning to steal our freedoms, leaking anything at all to anybody (as far as I can tell) constrained several things about the hidden mechanisms of control of information. Here goes.
Among many problems with this whole thing are:
-I believe it’s THE main control mechanism across the whole world
-no-one ascends any ladder very far without being compromised as a condition of admission