France’s ever-increasing mandatory vaccine schedule questioned by numerous groups and associations as well as concerned parents. Read their open letter to the Minister of Health.
In France, the country of Pasteur, the vaccination requirement is a tradition. Smallpox vaccination became mandatory in 1902 and was lifted when the disease was eradicated in 1984. However, diphtheria (1938), tetanus (1940), tuberculosis (1950, suspended in 2007) and polio (1964) have since been added to the list of mandatory injections.
Since January 2018, in addition to the DTP, the list of mandatory vaccines has been expanded to include pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, invasive infections with Haemophilus influenzae type b, pneumococcus and meningococcus group C.
Now, since 1 January, there has been a further extension of vaccination coverage for children. This will extend vaccination coverage to all strains responsible for meningitis: meningococcal A, B, W and Y, in addition to C.
Today, babies in France must receive 22 doses of vaccines before age 2. This is a considerable increase compared to their parents’ generation and, in some cases, even compared to their older brothers and sisters.
Many in scientific, medical, and parental circles are questioning the risks to infants of such a large number of vaccines over such a short period. Babies’ immune systems are immature, yet they have to respond to a significant number of injected viruses. It is also widely accepted that their developing brains are more vulnerable to drugs and toxins than the adult brain. Even if the blood-brain barrier is present and functional early in a fetus’ life, the resistance of the barrier only gradually increases during pregnancy and during the neonatal period.
Vaccines contain not only viruses, but also aluminum adjuvants, in addition to other known neurotoxins such as formaldehyde. What are the effects of these products injected repeatedly and at such short intervals during the first months of a baby’s life? What are the risks of an excessive accumulation of these substances in the body in the short, medium and long term? Many questions remain for the moment without definitive answers.
Since the number of mandatory vaccines has increased significantly in recent years, French parents naturally expect to see particularly close monitoring of the effects of this increase on the health of babies by health authorities, pediatricians and general practitioners. They would like to know, is there an increase in side effects and what about their severity? Where are the studies on the “cocktail effect” of so many vaccines taken at very short intervals? The safety of these vaccines can no longer be studied separately. The cumulative vaccination schedule must now be studied. Yet, communication on these issues by health authorities is almost non-existent, and this creates a worrisome situation for parents.
From this perspective, the new vaccination schedule seems oddly experimental. In this short video excerpt from a webinar held on 8 October 2024, Doctor E. Grimprel, professor of pediatrics and member of the High Council for public health in France, emphasizes the supposedly transient nature of the vaccine obligation in France and the hope of no longer having to resort to these mandates in the future.
In the many countries without any vaccination requirement, including Austria, Cyprus, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, this point may be shocking. How can parents be forced to vaccinate their newborns with numerous pharmaceutical products, without any extensive and long-term scientific studies on their pharmacodynamic interactions having been conducted? Where are the studies that can reassure parents who are now obliged to participate in this life-size experiment?
The many countries that have no vaccine mandates lead us to a perfectly logical question: Why is it necessary to impose a mandatory vaccine schedule in France? Isn’t it time to put an end to this? Why would the French be unable to decide when and what to vaccinate their children with, in accordance with their physician, as so many other European citizens already do?
The Parents & Citoyens France collective and many other groups, associations and doctors, representing more than 300,000 members, asked precisely these questions in an open letter to the Minister of Health in December 2024. In reviewing the benefits and risks of each vaccine currently on the vaccination schedule, they demonstrate the weaknesses of the “all-vaccine“ solution currently implemented in France and ask for all vaccine mandates to be lifted. Their letter was published online and was downloaded 8,348 times during their campaign. Many citizens and groups concerned about this obligation sent the letter by mail to the Minister of Health and by e-mail to parliamentarians. Parents & Citoyens France has allowed us to republish it here. The following short video gives a brief presentation of their demand.